Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So since last time I wrote we moved to the suburbs of Chicago. It's cold.

If you're looking for a toddler (and adult) approved recipe - Martha Stewart's "lighter sesame chicken" recipe was a hit. I didn't measure anything and it still turned out fine. Mine was also a lot less "light" than the recipe intended due to the white rice and extra breading/frying oil. Oh well.

This broccoli potato cheese soup recipe was a hit too.

I added carrots and served it with costco pretzel rolls and butter. So actually I don't know for sure if the soup was good, but pretzel rolls and butter are a definite winner.

Currently watching:
The Mindy Project
How to Get Away with Murder

I watch them all on hulu while running on my treadmill. Pure joy.

I made this big announcement to Wil that we were finally going to watch "The Wire". For the third time I watched the pilot and then couldn't bring myself to watch the second episode. What is wrong with me?

Currently Reading:
One more thing: Stories and Other Stories by B.J. Novak
The Real Food Cookbook by Nina Planck

One of my New Year resolutions was to read more paper books instead of Kindle books so that Raf knows that I'm occasionally reading and not just having screen time.

I have to download some apps and/or do some sort of magic to upload pictures so unfortunately you'll have to refer to my facebook/instagram/email blasts to see Rafi being hilarious and adorable.

Ok, well, good blog entry. Another New Year resolution is to write at least weekly.
